7 Tips for Efficient Chronic Care Management

Chronic Illness requires continuous and consistent care at home. Any lag or delay in doing so can cause damaging effects to the patient’s health. When you have someone at home who’s suffering from diabetes, arthritis, asthma, or any similar chronic diseases, you will observe their plight from remarkably close quarters. A continuous, disciplined regimewill bring about a positive impact on the patient’s mental and physical well-being, and here are afew tips that can be considered for efficient chronic care management.

Support from Loved Ones

Build a solid support system that consists of loved ones, close friends, and medical professionals. Share your worries and difficulties with them, and when necessary, enlist their help. Joining online forums or support groups for people with comparable problems can also offer important knowledge and emotional support. Joining the healthcare community helps the chronic patient to deal with their difficulties in a better way.

Awareness and Education

Inform yourself about your chronic illness through health education. Learn about its signs, causes, available therapies, and self-care techniques. You may actively participate in your own treatment and make decisions about your health when you are well-informed.

Emotional Well-being

Your emotional well-being may be impacted by chronic illnesses. Put your mental health first by doing things you enjoy, using relaxation techniques, obtaining professional counseling if necessary, and maintaining social connections with family and friends.

Regular Check Up

Medical examinations are of utmost importance Schedule regular checkups with your healthcare physician and show up for them. During these appointments, your condition can be monitored, treatment plans can be adjusted as needed, and any worries or inquiries you may have can be addressed. Since you are chronically prone to infections for your condition, it is best if you come under a virtual doctor for regular checkups unless absolute necessity to visitthem.

Medication Management

Carefully adhere to the dosage schedule that has been provided. Take prescription drugs exactly as prescribed, as instructed, and in the specified dosages. To help you keep organized and on top of your prescription, it’s advisable to use technology that can help manage all documentation in one place.

Follow Healthy Lifestyle

Make healthy lifestyle decisions that enhance your general well-being. This involves reducing stress levels, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly (as suitable for your condition), and getting enough sleep. For specific advice, speak with your healthcare physician.


If necessary, keep a close eye on any pertinent health metrics recommended by your healthcare professional, such as weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. This might assist you and your healthcare team in identifying any alterations or trends so that your treatment plan can be modified as necessary.

It’s imperative to take efficient care of the chronic patient. Not only is it a hassle to visit a doctor as and when required but waiting for your turn and the risk of getting infected by staying long in the waiting area, can be a few of the things to worry about.With the focus being on population healthcare management, Svastir Care model offers different modules for chronic patients thatallow them to stay healthy and on track with their day-to-dayhealthcare regime in the home environment and with ease.

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Case Study

Anil Sharma, a Client facing many care transitions, gets a complete care plan and counseling on care choices and costs

Anil has CHF, diabetes and arthritis. He has 10 different physicians and has been hospitalized three times over the past six months. He admits to not knowing how to take his medications and to falling 2-3 times recently. He was discharged two weeks ago and has many in-home services but no focused care plan. His family is concerned about his ability to live alone. Anil is worried about his insurance and how to pay for care.

How the Svastir.Care helped:
  • Ensured all physicians had the same information
  • Set up a workable medication management system
  • Found a homecare company with telehealth services
  • Counseled him and his family on care options and costs

Neena Gupta, a client with multiple chronic conditions, multiple physicians, and providers, gets expert care management.

Seventy-two-year-old Neena Gupta saw a different physician every other week with each one ordering different medications, or changing individual treatment plans. Neena became confused and concerned about the cost of her medications, so she just stopped taking some of her medications and missed many key physician appointments.

How the Svastir.Care helped:
  • Contacted all her physicians.
  • Facilitated changing to less expensive medications.
  • Set up a care management system.
  • Retained a caregiver to assist with meals

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